MongoDB World
World is MongoDB's flagship event and brings together thousands of attendees each year to learn from their peers and business leaders that are transforming the future 
of technology and driving digital transformation

MongoDB World 2020: Flagship Event and Annual Conference
Join the largest gathering of the MongoDB community to connect, find inspiration, and explore new ways to build for the data-driven future.

Role: Creative Director​​​​​​​
As the Creative Director, I led a team of designers, developers, and writers, while managing project requirements, executive approvals, website development, 
and on-site setup with vendors.

Event Messaging Frameworks
At MongoDB World, you’ll be exposed to technologies, tools, and techniques that make it easy for you to build 
data-driven applications without distraction. Take part in technical workshops for hands-on experience, get your burning questions answered by MongoDB engineers, and connect with MongoDB users who are shaking up their industries. 
You’ll also be the first to witness what’s next for MongoDB, the leading database for modern applications. Whether you’re just getting started or building a mission-critical application for a global audience, MongoDB World has something for you.

Build efficiently. Spend less time, money, and effort on the mundane and undifferentiated. Focus on what you do best and get or modify the database resources you need, on-demand. 

Build faster. Use MongoDB’s flexible document data model to bring new features and products to market faster than ever before. 

Build securely. Leverage MongoDB’s robust security framework to easily defend, detect and control access to your data. 

Build freely. Work with the database in dozens of languages using idiomatic drivers. Deploy anywhere and easily migrate when your requirements evolve. 

Build for scale. Create intelligent, distributed deployments that provide high performance for a  global audience. Some of the world’s most popular applications run on MongoDB. 

Build better workflows. See how MongoDB can help you deconstruct the monoliths and organizational barriers that slow you down. MongoDB aligns perfectly with your microservices and CI/CD initiatives. 

Build for better insights. Extract real-time insights from MongoDB with our growing ecosystem of tools and easily integrate the database with emerging AI and ML services. 

Build the revolution.

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